Providers of professional services for Capability Building and Ecosystem Development for Enterprise Growth, Improved Government Services, and Sustained Community Initiatives.
We provide an array of multi-disciplinary professional services that enable the clients-business, government, public service, and social sector to build capabilities in terms of leadership, managerial and operational competencies, strategic acumen, robust systems and processes for market leading product and service delivery.
We are focused on supporting individuals and communities to find entrepreneurial and systemic solutions for the challenges in the areas such as affordable health and education, climate mitigation, environmental promotion and sustainability, skills and employability, circular economy, renewable energy, and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). We work in the government space helping the departments-institutions improve service delivery efficiency, develop robust system and processes for building stronger institutions
As the Results become enduring only when the community takes up the responsibility for finding solutions and sustaining them, we facilitate community organisations to design and implement systematic frameworks of developmental programmes
A team or an individual consultant visits the client organisation for a few days to identify the business processes and operational areas that can be improved. The issues identification is done collaboratively with the client personnel to develop problem ownership among them. We adopt appropriate methodologies of interviews with staff and management, analysis of production, financial, and customer service records, process documentation reviews, etc.
At the end of the study, we prepare a comprehensive report outlining the required interventions. They are normally of the nature of strategy and leadership interventions, organisation restructuring, setting up systems, technology improvements, role clarity, staff training, and culture change in the organisation. These reports and suggestions are discussed with the senior management over a few sittings.
When the clarity emerges among the client personnel, who are stakeholders for the project or identified need areas, a detailed proposal is submitted and discussed upon. When our approach becomes clear to the client and acceptable, we submit the commercial propositions.
Operable plans are implemented with targeted time schedules, periodical reviews and midcourse corrections. In reality, a consulting engagement always unfolds new findings, newer issues to be dealt with. Without solving these connected / related issues, the intended results may not be achieved. So, we jointly work out possible solutions and timelines so that the client gets the full benefit of our expertise and guidance. We don’t rush through the time schedules and wash off our hands in the pretext of commercial contracts. We take a realistic route of certain give and take approach of pushing, pulling and goading the client personnel at all levels to achieve the planned results.
In the end of all, ALMaC believes in leading the clients through an enjoyable journey of learning, striving, struggling and finally achieving those measurable results. For ALMaC, every consulting engagement is an enduring relationship and not just a commercial contract.
ALMaC excels in facilitative processes enabling clients to design, implement, and continually improve cutting edge solutions for their contemporary challenges.
Write or call to find how our expertise can help you and your Organisation
P. Sambamoorthy