Institution Building and Change Management

Comprehensive support to initiatives of Institution Building and Change Management for gearing up and equipping organisations to handle the transformational challenges – planned and unforeseen. Our expertise lies in supporting the Leadership through all the stages of the change process.

Institution Building and Change Management

The chaotic handling of Covid-19 throughout the world with a few exceptions has loudly brought to the fore the severe limitations in the health care delivery, which is a fundamental assurance any well-functioning government is expected to provide its citizens. Notwithstanding this health catastrophe, governments have been severely exposed of their limitations in the areas such as poverty reduction, basic education, climate crisis, environmental protection, individual freedoms, economic and social inequities, the weaknesses of which are hinged on crisis of leadership.

Pointing it as a ‘Fractured Future’ for billions of people worldwide, The Global Risks 2021 Report of the World Economic Forum, warns of a livelihood crisis posing a critical threat leaving its impact throughout the decade. While observing the institutional failures of states and multilaterals, the report also holds hope that through cross cutting capabilities and systemic approaches to strengthen overall resilience of governments, businesses, and the international community as possible responses to tide over the environmental, economic, and societal threats. Towards the purpose, political executives and administrative leaders need to seriously relook at their excessively risk averse, short-term, transactional and boundary keeping approaches and attitudes and work on institutional means of larger commitments and citizen centric initiatives.

ALMaC supports the institutional leaders in Institutional Strengthening and Change Management interventions. ALMaC helps the leaders to take a 360 stakeholder- beneficial approaches, for augmenting the political credibility and the administrative efficiency of Government – Public Service Institutions.

ALMaC excels in facilitative processes enabling clients to design, implement, and continually improve cutting edge solutions for their contemporary challenges.

Each challenge requires a unique strategy, supported with connected intelligence and expertise.
We provide free consultation to assess your needs and tailor a robust solution to help you achieve your goals

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P. Sambamoorthy
+91 90009 00609

S. Nirmala
+91 98490 85987

Institution Building -Strengthening: Every unit and agency in public adminstration at all levels has a critical role to play in continously improving the overall well-being of the stakeholders it is expected to serve. However, more often than not, these entities get mired into routine administrative and maintenance tasks of transactional nature, side stepping the larger puprposes they are meant to serve. Instituional Strengthening is an ongoing process of revitalising the organisation’s purpose, operational activities and the impact it is creating for the well-being of its intended stakeholders. The interventions given below are the key components of instrituional strengthening processes

Instituional Purpose and Key Guiding Principles for Designing and Implementing Public Interest Policies and Programmes

Assurance of Services for Impact: The Public Policies and Programmes should be dsigned in such manners to create lasting impact in the situations addressed. The Assurance dimension will consider the factors as below.

  • Comprehensiveness of Planning
  • Linkage to the State / Citizen Need (Articulation and Data base)
  • Measurable Indicators
  • Means and End Linkages
  • Periodical Review & Monitoring
  • Linkage with Global Policy Frameworks
  • Statutory Instrumentation ( Law, Act, GO)

Ease of Access: Citizen / benefiary constituency shall have ease of acccess to the promised services. Multiple access points, transparency, complaints and grievances handling and such interventions are essential for improving access.

People Capability for accessing services:The purpose of the policies and programmes is achieved only when all the entitled beneficaries are able to access and benefit from them. Most often for lack of knowledge and convenience, even people wih entitlement may be unable to avail the promised bendfits. Repeated Public Awareness, Education, Saturation of all the Needy, Periodical Assessment and Impact Evaluation Studies and International Recognition will provide required credibility for the programmes and citizens will have the impact relaised.

For moving the Instituions in the direction of ongoing revitalistion, the undermentioned building processes are to be adopted thrugh capcity building and ssytems reengineering.

Leadership:The Organisational Leadership is the key mover of the entire revitalisation journey. The leader plays key role in setting the organisational Vision, Mission ( including redefining and reassuring ) and the supporting interventions. The depth and intensity of support interventions wholly depends on the leadership drive and commitment.

Technology Systems and Processes: Irrespective of the size of the Institution, having systematic and standardised processes for running every aspect of the business will result in productive and effective use of the organisational resources. The Leader’s contribution / role for the organisational growth and results achievement depends on the extent to which she has encouraged and established systematic processes.

Stakeholder Involvement: In the operations of public institutions, stakeholders interests lay the direction for the purpose and functionlity of the institution. Consultations at appropriate intervals for plolicy planning, implementation evalution and impact measurment are essential for the success of the institutions.

ransparency and Accountability: The credibility of a public institution solely depends on the transparency and accountability it has exhibited in the implementation of its policies and programmes. Mechanisms for measurement and Suo-motu disclosure of the successes and failures are essential for promoting the transparency and accountability culture in public institutions.

Staff Capabilities and Service Attitudes: Capabilities and service attitudes of the staff at the delivery end are important for the success of public policies and programmes, not withstanding the strength of the policies themselves. Institutions should continuously get engaged in improving the staff capabilities and their service delivery attitudes.

ALMaC provides multipronged services to public institutions in the areas of Service Delivery Improvement interventions, Governance Processes Reengineering, Leadership, Change Management, and Institution Building, Strategic Planning, HR Systems and Competency Building, Performance Management and Accountability, Transparency and RTI Mechanisms

In the end of all, ALMaC believes in leading the clients through an enjoyable journey of learning, striving, struggling.

Each challenge requires a unique strategy, supported with connected intelligence and expertise.
We provide free consultation to assess your needs and tailor a robust solution to help you achieve your goals

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P. Sambamoorthy
+91 90009 00609

S. Nirmala
+91 98490 85987

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